Know the wonderful city of Munich

The wonderful city of Munich

Munich German city very magnificence and beauty is the capital of the state of Bavaria is located on the Isar River in southern Bavaria with a population of more than 1.4 million people, making it the third largest German city in terms of population 
and is known for its buildings architecture is unique as the city contains several buildings beautiful, historic and reconstructed due harmed bombed during World war II had occurred, such as Lafraoankirc church hall famous city (corr Ratos) as well because it is an international center for entrepreneurship, and geometries, and research and which contains a two-month research universities and contain Altakuloggio, science centers and museums which It makes it more prosperous cities of Germany
Munich has the strongest economy of any other German city with the lowest unemployment rate of the major German cities as a center for the manufacture of aircraft and biotechnology engines, software and service industries 
enjoying Munich continental climate because of its proximity to the Alps and the winters cold, where a temperature of 2 ° C and is accompanied Precipitation and snow sometimes rains but it warm summers and which has a temperature of 23 ° C

The most beautiful tourist attractions:

Namvunberg Palace :

Located in southern Germany, a baroque palace was the summer headquarters of the kings of Bavaria and is considered Algosrma his garden and one of the most famous attractions in Munich tourist and that a lot of tourists eager to visit him and bringing the number of visitors to 300,000 visitors a year 
 It also has beautiful gardens Aghannah exceptional area of ​​200 hectares has been created on the French style, and includes the most beautiful fountains and pools of water in addition to the stunning green grass carpets and sculptures scattered here and there, all of which gives the panel incomplete Beauty

Open dates:
the palace is open daily from 10:00 - 16:00 entrance fee: from April 1 to October 15: 11.50 euros and from January 16 to March 31: 8:50 euros geographical location of the palace:  Here Google MAP

 Website of the palace: here

Lafraoankirc Church:

It is one of the most major tourist attractions famous for Munich where she built in Gothic style and contains the largest church hall in southern Germany where it can accommodate about 20,000 people 
It was built between 1468-1494mn by Jorg von Halsbac and is currently the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising Cathedral and the seat of the Archbishop of her as she enjoys architecture very magnificence as it includes two towers twin who reaches an elevation of both 99 m If you can climb them will enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the the entire city of Munich as well as to see the stunning Alps do not miss the opportunity to visit this church and learn about its history dates of conquest: the church is open every day from 7:00 - 7:00 pm As it opens on Thursday from 07:00 - 20:30 and on Friday opens from 07:00 - 18:00 Entrance fees:

Free entrance to the church
The geographical location of the Church: here Google MAP
Website of the Church: here 

English Garden:

Located in the Schwabing called the heart of the green Munich, the largest of the New York Central Park and Hyde Park in London, an area of ​​3.7 square kilometers and is a popular tourist destination and a great place to entertain and enjoy strolling through along the streams, lakes and see the green grass and relax under the shade of scattered trees here and there

Open dates:
Tgueth park from 10:00 - 23:00 entry: Fee Free admission to park geographical location of the Garden:Here Google MAP

The website of the park: here

How to get to the city of Munich:

The nearest airports to get to Munich is Munich International Airport is the second largest busiest airports in Germany and seventh in Europe is located in the north-east of Munich, just by about 30 km and travels through which 38 million passengers a year, providing daily flights to and from Munich by train:
And they are traveling by train through the central station in Munich and its name (Hauptbahnhof) located Munich City West Marienplatz center of a well connected with the network of public Least It provides flights to and from Myuh easily and smoothly as it includes many of the restaurants and shops, supermarkets and all Mad needs traveler they are serviced well
By car:
The Munich connecting well with other cities in Germany and Austria by the German motorway network: 
A8 connects Munich with Augsburg, Ulm, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe in the west and Rosenheim and Salzburg in the south-east 
A92 connects with Munich and Landshut Dagindorv in the north-east
A 95 linking Munich with Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the Bavarian Alps in the south
A 96 linking Munich with Lindau at Lake Constance in the south-west location: Here Google MAP

Website: here

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