Learn one of the coolest Haddaaiqa villa in Italy

Villa Ante beautiful and charming garden

A garden and Villa Raiotai beauty lies in the Mannerist in Viterbo, central Italy, known as the Villa Ante remained retain that name until it became called Villa to Aaboltao the Ante in the seventeenth century was built over several periods and had damaged the park in the 1944 bombing of the coalition forces after the fall of Rome the late twentieth century and then Dr. Ongelao Cantoni long program of restoration has continued for long periods until it became this wonderful form so be sure to be one of the most suitable places visit during the summer vacation 

The villa was built in the center of the park and you'll see excellence in this wonderful construction where you will see the columns and round arches edged and each interface of the building three windows and is characterized by a cylindrical Bbergha which has been used to defend the castle, where he put in every part of the design of the building reflects the period built because as we said earlier that the park and villa It passed through numerous periods of construction

Now we Fsnokhzk a tour fast on the most important Matdmh park from natural and synthetic beauty where you will find green trees such as camellia flowers brightly colored scattered throughout the park as you'll see fountains charming and the most important fountain Montana de Quadrto huge positioned in the center of the park in front of the villa, which represents the form of the Pacific sea and embellished sculptures boats paddling on the edges and other beautiful sculptures and the second most important de lemony and engineering skills to those who designed fountains show a hidden raining water without it deems to hide because certain forms and these forms are Atouha fountain

As you'll see boxes twin shape and stairways of stone and then will pass next to a wonderful and pure water table and some small ponds that come out of the water and the like will never end well and you'll see many of the sculptures, beautiful and distinctive forms and different Finally, you'll see the caves confidential and Adharr if you want to enter, accompanied by one of them

times of work

Operate the park throughout the year, every day except Monday and holidays Official

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