Learn The Secret Garden in Rome

Rose Garden in Rome

A public rose garden in Rome is located off the Circus Maximus was founded in 1931 with an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters and has more than 110 species of flowers that have been collected from all over the world are divided into several sections and each section is categorized into different types, and there is an experimental section in the the park and it is done several experiments on the flowers to see their suitability for public and private gardens in Italy

Became this park from the nicer tourist destinations have been equipped with many of the tracks that facilitate the tour in all this natural beauty as it contains many of the seats that will help you to relax and sit back and there is parking on the outside if you come your own car so no need to worry about anything

The most important tourist places nearby

Circus Maximus Circus Masximus 
Santa Maria in Cosmdin Santa Maria In Cosmedin 
hill naves Palatine Hill 
Baths of Caracalla Baths Of Caracalla

The coolest places to eat

Cavour Cavour 
Soralela Soralella

Places of residence

If you want to stay close to them they'll Many hotels 
Kolbe Kolbe, Hotel 
Oventino Aventino Hotel Hotel 
Smiraldo Smeraldo Hotel Hotel 
Villa Sanbeo hotel SanPio villa Hotel

The work of the park dates

Garden work in the spring, where flowers bloom is usually from April 21 to late June 
from 8:30 pm - 19:30

Transportation to reach the park

You can access the park via bus 15-81 - 628 

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