Plamen Botanical Garden in Frankfurt

Balmain vegetable garden

It is one of two parks Nbateten in existence in Frankfurt, the biggest and oldest of its kind in Germany has been financing the establishment of this park from the private sector, the park was founded in the nineteenth century and built by architect Heinrich Sesmar completed built in 1871 and since then opened to visitors

This park is a paradise of plants collected from all over the world, and visitors can explore a variety of tropical and subtropical plants Valhdikh is a combination of green rain forest, seasonal forest with some desert plants dry like a cactus, as where there is some greenhouses, which retains some plants greenhouse

The park consists of several parks such as palm gardens and parks and gardens dedicated ferns some perennial plants and rock gardens distinctive and complete beauty that there are some stunning waterfalls and ponds
The park is equipped with paths for walking and benches to sit, to sit visitors Estmtao Aghannah the beauty of nature and get joy and comfort, tranquility and the best times to visit is summer

As held in this park shows Flowers and displays in which information on topics plants and accompanying visitors some guides who give them useful information about the types of plants and held a range of cultural activities such as music that plays in the palm gardens and is held also in each year of every month in June Rose Festival highlights a highlights a variety of flowers and attached to this offer with great music and working fountains and dancing with the music and the festival ends with a fireworks display

Open dates:

Garden open from November to January, from Monday to Sunday from 09:00 AM - 16:00
In February from Monday to Sunday from 09:00 AM - 17:00
It is the month of March to October, from Monday to Sunday from 09:00 AM - 18:00

 entrance fees:

It ranges from entry ticket to the park for adults between 5-8 euros price
For families between 9-12 euros

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