Best fourteen site a tourist attraction on the Black Sea coast

Black Sea coast in Turkey is another world apart from the rest areas, where lies the cluster of villages in a narrow line between the sea actually in front of him and the mountains behind him. 

With a group of winding roads along the coast, is the Black Sea coast and one of the most natural areas picturesque in the country, making it a perfect place for a journey on foot to enable the visitor to explore and enjoy the beauty of nature. 
Perhaps the most attractive destinations in the region is "der Sumila" which is located in the east, road to itself fun being passed along is full of villages coast the beautiful and ancient monuments and vibrant cities.

1) Trabzon Trabzon

Glittering Trabzon is a city and a major port surrounded by the mountains of eastern Anatolia, along the coast. 
The city was founded in the early eighth century BC by settlers Greece and soon flourished as part of the path of the caravan merchants between Persia and the Mediterranean Sea. 
The most important tourist attractions in the city is the Hagia Sophia Museum "Hagia Sophia" which was built by the Emperor Alexius Comnenus probably immediately after his arrival in Trabzon coming from Constantinople in 1204. 
Hagia Sophia church turned into a mosque during the Ottoman era and now open as a museum.

2) Sumila monastery of Sumela Monastery

Perhaps the place is the most attractive on the Black Sea coast is a monastery Sumila officially known as the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, he seems immersed in the interface enormous cliff surrounds it on all sides. 
Revert your Sumila to the Byzantine era, has been working out a convent until 1923 AD. 
Inside the main church find frescos wonderful vibrant, and here also find rooms and chapels that give you a good idea of austerity in life and religious during the previous centuries . 
in spite of its importance and historical value, the first reason for the attraction of tourists remains to the monastery Sumila is its unique location, clinging to rocks and winding road fun which lead them to him.

3) Sinop Sinop

This charming and cosmopolitan city both in the far north of Turkey on the one hand the Black Sea and is located in one of the most protected historic harbors. 
Today reminds us of this city, its importance in ancient times when it was a commercial crowded city located in the northern tip of the ways the job convoys of Cappadocia and the territory of the Euphrates . 
in the streets of the city to find some beautiful Ottoman houses that brings delight in the hearts of sight of, and history lovers. They have great fortune inthe climb to see the fortifications of the old city  of appearances the panoramic attractive on the harbor and the sea . 
the old jail, which is called Tarihi Cezaevi building and located in the street Sarkaya Caddesi is also worthy of a place to visit.

4) Rize Rize

Rize is the capital of Turkey, the subject of the cultivation of tea, any lover of this hot drink must pass from here. 
It is surrounded by Rize green tea plantations from everywhere and is to take a trip to one of these parks it is very common as it allows the visitor a cup of tea while also watching wonderful views across the hills. 
this is Rize home to a wide range of sub-tropical plants as well. 
Do not miss the opportunity to visit Rize Rize Kalesi Castle , which was built by the Genoese during the Middle Ages, it also provides you with views unique.

5) Ordu Ordu

Is a city and port on the Black Sea coast is characterized Bashatiha wonderful and sand that surround it specifically from the east of the city and west. 
The place itself was a former site for the settlement of ionic of Kotyora Despite its long history, most of the effects have disappeared. 
The Greek region are still maintained houses with wooden frames hidden within the narrow alleys and elegantly overlooking the waterfront.

6) Amasra Amasra

They Her harbor the most beautiful on the Black Sea coast, is the dream of every photographer where he packed the old town of Amasra houses colored theclose to each other and the matrix on the narrow streets that lead you eventually to the sea. 
The Byzantine citadel major tourist scene while the Amasra Museum Indeed, in the small Dereoǧlu Sokak has some collectibles offered attractive style.  
optimal activities for visitors to Amasra are swimming, sunbathing and boating trips, which runs from the small port and takes them on expeditions to the caves surrounding the area.

7) Giresun Giresun

If you love cherries in Giresun perfect destination for you, you mean the word Giresun translation from the Greek language is cherry, and from here tasting the first time the Roman Lucullus cherry and took him with him to Rome. 
Under the city ancient site called Kerasous, had been founded by Miletus Miletus in the Horn seventh BC.
Not in the city so much to see except the ruins of the castle of the Byzantinethat allows magnificent views over the surrounding countryside, as you can take a look at the Museum of Giresun in the street Ataturk Atatürk Caddesi where you will find an excellent collection of archaeological finds . 

8) Çaka Beach

It is one of the best beaches on the Black Sea coast, located 20 kilometers from the west Ordu. 
White sand is very quiet haven for those looking for a relaxing and non-crowded places, even in mid-summer.

9) İnebolu

The main port of the area west of the Black Sea, it is home to the ruins of the castle, and a bouquet of wooden houses Ottoman traditional Alosemh. 
During ancient times the city was known as the Abonouteichos but was renamed to Ionopolis during the Roman era.  
In the old town area you will find the remains of the Christian Quarter in Erkistos Mahalle, the beach-goers will feel satisfied because a good number of attractive beaches.

10) İǧneada

It is a typical fishing village located 15 km south of the Bulgarian border on the western edge of the Black Sea coast in Turkey. 
Beautiful beaches surrounding is very popular, especially by visitors who come mostly from Istanbul weekends, and to the west find mounds of dense forests that are worth exploring.

11) Kıyıköy

It is also a small and quiet fishing village, Like İǧneada this region attract tourists weekends coming from Istanbul recreation under the sun and above the clean sand. 
As well as the beach, the village is home to a Byzantine castle is dating back to the sixth century.

12) Samsun Samsun

This industrial bustling city is the largest city on the Black Sea coastal plains surrounding Bassamson produces cotton, tobacco, grain to be exported via the Samsun port busy. 
In spite of its long history as embraced old Amisos city which he founded the Greeks in the seventh century BC, a 3 km to the north-west. 
the modern city is not where there is a lot of tourist attractions except for exhibits archaeological museum, which highlights the originality of Amisos city, Ghazi Museum, which is located within the hotel, which established the Ataturk it emphasizes the role of Samson as a starting Turkish war of independence points a year in 1919 .
There are some interesting mosques around the city, most notably the market Mosque (Bazaar CAMI) and the Great Mosque (Ulu Camii) and both are worth seeing. 

13) Duraǧan

It is a nice town located about 133 km south of Sinop, it's the home of Durak Hani and Seljuk Khan which was built in 1266 by the Pervane Süleyman. 
A great summer patio, which overlooks the vaulted rooms The fortified complex has a semi-circular towers are positioned at each corner is further enhanced exterior walls with an additional rectangular towers. 

14) Sürmene 

It is a small town located about 40 kilometers east of Trabzon, in ancient times known as Susarmia or Augustopolis.
5 km from the West find the castle Sürmene Kastel by medieval, and find Yapukoǧlu Konaǧı magnificent palace, which was built during the eighteenth century to be the headquarters of the ruling family Yapukoǧlu. 
South of the city find Tel secluded is home to a number of monasteries Greek abandoned, most of which, unfortunately, in the case of heavily damaged, three of them can not reach them on foot, accompanied by a tour guide who are: Charveli and Oma Monasteries (20 South Köprubası) and Seno Monastery (near Küçükdere).

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