Ilhelma animal park in Germany

Ilhelma animal park

It is one of the most important tourist attractions to visit in Baden Fornmberg located in the northern suburbs of Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany and visited by about 1.8 million visitors a year, a royal palace was built with an area of ​​30 hectares and now has become a zoo and botanical garden
It is the largest European garden with plants and animals and is home to more than 8,000 animals and more than 5,000 species of plants have been designed for the wonderful English style of arrangement where trees and grass trimmed 

The park opened in 1949 and contains many of the animals, such as giraffes, zebras and antelopes, penguins, elephants and tigers in addition to the presence of species of apes such as chimpanzees, gorillas and Alababona The botanical gardens Vthtoa the largest grove Magnolia addition to many kinds of rare plants and beautiful

Zoo many Taiorahit also features a visitor can visit birds or wander among themselves and enjoy the beauty and you can see the process of hatching eggs of birds and how they feed their young mother is also no place where they are deposited a lot of insects such as beetles, butterflies, spiders and worms 

The park also features a main restaurant with 350 rooms and 850 chair and table and seat restaurant offers delicious cuisine, you can order what you want and addressed in the lap of nature, picturesque

Open dates:

This park is open from May to August from 8:15 pm - 18:00
In April and September from 8:15 pm - 17:30
In the months of March and October from 8:15 pm - 17:00
It is the month of November to February from 8:15 pm - 16:00

entrance fees:

Entrance ticket for garden Price: 11.4 euros per person

Website: here
Location: here Google MAP

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