Heidi Resort Park in Germany

Heidi Resort Park

A park located in the Sula and in the Lower Sakswinne, area 850,000 square meters and is one of Germany's largest parks, the largest in northern Germany which is in a protected animal wild Haaantshov originally closed the park in 1972 and purchased by showman Hans Jurgen Whitman opened a small Kmentzh in 1978 and was the garden then contain six types of ride and had in that period, 200,000 visitors 

Over time, the park has expanded and become one of the largest parks Germany and became bringing the number of visitors per year to two million visitors to the park also contains the most memorable sights and is a replica of the Statue of Liberty a length of 35 meters

The park is divided into the park entrance, which contains some magnificent buildings of beauty and the land of pirates and which brings tales and stories of pirates from all over the world in addition to the Department of Transylvania with castle medieval and located on the top of a hill surrounded by forest forgotten and earth that contain a roller coaster final section is the wild west Wild, which opened in 2008 

The park also contains 40 types of passenger and whose goal is to bring the fun and thrill of them revolving wooden and other ships a lot, which was created in April 2, 2003 passenger Ring Carousel and Ferris wheel small addition to rowing boats for children and a maze of horror that takes a walk in 7 minutes and has 7 various scenes frightening enough to raise the adrenaline of adventure, enjoy 
In addition to the combination of music, which plays in the park, which plays a great role in calming the nerves and music composers belonging to Smarat Graham and David Buckley Crispin Merrill and John Sanderson and Ian Habgod

Open dates:
Garden open daily from 10:00 AM - 18:00

entrance fees:

Entrance ticket for garden Price: 3 euros per person

Website: here
Location: here Google MAP

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